Peace of mind that’s always a perfect fit.

Roboworld protects robotic equipment from costly repairs and even more costly downtime. It’s as simple as that. From customized Robosuits and teach pendant bumpers to complete automation cell protection, Roboworld is the solution for everyday protection from the most vital operating environment on the planet — yours.

Proactive Pendant Protection

Pendant Armor® is the world’s first shock-absorbing, chemical-resistant bumper that protects teach pendants from inadvertent drops and accidents on factory floors. Pendant Armor is available for eleven OEM manufacturers and 20+ different models of teach pendants.

  • Tailored Fit: Customized molding contours to fit the OEM pendant, no matter the size or shape.
  • Shock-Absorbing Material: Manufactured with Santoprene®, a rubber-like, easy-to-hold material that cushions components from drops and routine use.
  • Lightweight Design: Perforated, open-back design minimizes additional weight without sacrificing protection.

Stay protected. Stay productive.

Specialized Work Requires Customized Protection

When it comes to robot protection, a generic cover is simply not enough. We provide customized and tailored robot sleeves, jackets, skirts, aprons, and full protective suits to keep your equipment safe from extreme temperatures, blast media, chemicals, and more. Our sales engineers acquire a deep understanding of your specific operational dynamics and range of motion needs to design a suit that fits your needs.


  • Custom-made for more than 35 OEMs
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • Over 5,000 Robosuits sold over the past decade
Our Robosuit Process

Engineered to Protect

No two applications are the same. We’ll custom design the right Robosuit to protect your investment, reduce your maintenance costs, and increase your productivity so you can stay focused on your bottom line.