How long should I expect my Robosuit to last?
Every application is unique. For example, if your robot is operating in an indoor, air-conditioned, palletizing environment and you simply desire to protect the robot from dust/dirt/debris and are only operating the arm at 40% servo-speeds while taking the necessary steps to keep cabling, pneumatic lines, and other obstacles from rubbing on the suit, then you should expect your Robosuit to last for years. In similar situations, many of our customer’s suits have been used for as long as 7 to 10 years without needing repair or replacement.
On the other hand, if your robot is operating in an unconditioned, hot, wet, sandy foundry application and you expose the suit to 1,000°F temperatures, move the arm at nearly 100% servo speeds and allow cabling, pneumatic lines, or other obstacles to rub against it, you will need to repair or replace it within a much shorter time frame.